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What are the key problems in horizontal screw centrifuge

Time:2021-06-18 06:26:38  Clicks:708

What is the key to master in the analysis of horizontal screw centrifuge
For the horizontal screw centrifuge, which is commonly known as the horizontal screw centrifuge, here a kind of centrifuge learning, the next may come to promote again, because, this is what we all expect. For its main content, it is divided into many parts to carry out, so as to make the content of the article clear, we can easily understand and grasp.
Horizontal spiral centrifuge
1.The principle and effect of differential mechanism of horizontal screw centrifuge: the key to the principle of differential mechanism of horizontal screw centrifuge is to release the working pressure to the piston rod according to the regulator, so as to promote the piston rod to carry out fitness exercise. Thus, according to the reaction force, the differential mechanism can be promoted to run. If it is repeated, the whole process of differential mechanism can be completed, It is to make the screw type and cylinder screen have a stable differential speed ratio, so as to promote the discharge of solid residue and the discharge of reaction liquid from the overflow port.
2.Is there a differential ratio in horizontal screw centrifuge? Is it used in horizontal scraper centrifuge? Because there is a differential in horizontal screw centrifuge, there is no doubt about the differential ratio. However, there is no differential ratio in horizontal scraper centrifuge because there is no differential ratio in this kind of centrifuge.
3.How to choose a suitable horizontal screw centrifuge? In order to solve this problem, the main thing is to look at the actual characteristics of raw materials. Although centrifuges look similar, they are essentially different. Therefore, comprehensive consideration should be carried out on the separation of factors and actual effect, centrifuge height and diameter, and its feeding rate and method, so that suitable models and specifications can be selected.

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