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What are the two factors separated by horizontal screw centrifuge?

Time:2021-06-18 06:26:48  Clicks:698

What are the two factors separated by horizontal screw centrifuge?
The clarity of liquid phase after clarification of horizontal screw centrifuge (hereinafter referred to as centrifugal dehydrator) is decided by two factors: the effect is reasonable centripetal force on the liquid phase in the settlement area of the drum foundation. The average waiting time of the liquid phase in the settlement area of the drum foundation is the same, The moisture content of solid phase after the dewatering of centrifugal dehydrator also has two factors: the reasonable centripetal force of the solid phase in the drum drying zone. The average waiting time of solid phase in the drum drying area. According to the operation condition of the centrifugal dehydrator, the elements can be controlled in a certain range to get a good separation effect.
Horizontal screw centrifuge
1.Generally, the drum speed ratio range is set for the separated raw materials, and then the differential speed ratio and overflow plate are adjusted according to the separation condition of the centrifugal dehydrator, so as to obtain good separation effect.
2.In general, the regulation of differential speed ratio and overflow plate has the following regularity with liquid phase clarity and solid phase humidity: small differential speed ratio will reduce solid phase moisture content, but liquid phase clarity will decrease. Large differential speed ratio will greatly improve liquid phase clarification, but solid phase moisture content will increase. Overflow plate with small inner diameter will greatly improve liquid phase clarification, But the moisture content of solid phase will increase. The overflow plate with large inner diameter will reduce the moisture content of solid phase, but the clarity of liquid phase will decrease.

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