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What are the key points of horizontal screw centrifuge in environmental protection

Time:2021-06-18 06:26:11  Clicks:699

What are the key points of horizontal screw centrifuge in environmental protection
Horizontal screw centrifuge is widely used in environmental protection enterprises, mainly to dehydrate sludge caused by industrial production and civil sewage treatment, and the value of horizontal screw centrifuge is reflected
Horizontal screw centrifuge
1.In the past, sewage treatment plants or relevant treatment stations used self settling or sludge filter press to carry out sludge dewatering and thickening. Experiments have proved that the water content of sludge can be reduced from 98% to 80%, and its volume can be reduced by 10 times. Just like this, horizontal screw settling centrifuge has the characteristics of large output, practical operation of automation technology, and very good dewatering effect, In the ecological environment protection industry has been widely used and marketing promotion.
2.The total sales volume of horizontal screw centrifuges accounts for about half of all centrifuges, which has established its irreplaceable influence. In foreign countries, horizontal screw centrifuges are the first choice for sewage treatment machinery and equipment.
Horizontal screw centrifuge
Energy conservation and environmental protection industry is the basic to prevent environmental pollution, protect ecological environment and promote the continuous development trend of economy.

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