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How to buy centrifuges?

Time:2021-06-21 08:29:52  Clicks:708

How to buy centrifuges?
answer:(1)The purpose of centrifugation, analysis or preparation of centrifugation;
(2)The type and total number of test samples, whether they are somatic cells, pathogens or proteins, and the size of test samples. According to this kind of factor, we decide whether to choose a centrifuge or to make a centrifuge; Low speed, high speed or over speed driving; Is it a large space, variable definition or a small number of centrifuges.
(3)Economic development capacity: when the model is clear, the manufacturer and price should be considered. The price and the characteristics of the commodity are the same.
(4)Other key points: such as whether the actual operation of centrifugal is simple, whether the maintenance is convenient, whether the design scheme is out of date, and whether the supply of spare parts is convenient.

(5)Matching problem: a centrifuge is unlikely to operate at low speed, high speed and over speed. Generally speaking, ULTRACENTRIFUGES are only limited to ultracentrifugation, not suitable for high speed centrifugation, and even less suitable for low speed centrifugation. Similarly, high speed centrifuges are not suitable for low speed centrifugation. As a result, to buy ULTRACENTRIFUGES, the customs should consider the high-speed centrifuges, otherwise they will not give full play to their advantages. Generally speaking, the application frequency of low-speed and high-speed is relatively high, while the utilization rate of ULTRACENTRIFUGES is relatively low. ULTRACENTRIFUGES are only purchased by laboratories that often use them, or regional public settings are considered.

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