
CN ???ENGwelcome to the official website of Su Zhou United machine co.,ltd

50 years focused on

High tech enterprises. Horizontal screw centrifuge strength manufacturers



Location:首頁>>About>>Corporate Culture

Corporate spirit of United

 Corporate mission

Happy employees Achieve customer Service industry;
Corporate vision
Leading the professional manufacturer and industry pioneer of China horizontal screw centrifuge;
Enterprise spirit
Pioneering and enterprising, dare to innovate, customers are God's special service for you; 
Corporate values
Common development with customers, common growth of employees and common progress of society;

Home Tel Contact
永济市| 青神县| 滦南县| 咸宁市| 大冶市| 岳西县| 台中县| 安达市| 高安市| 库伦旗| 建德市| 丘北县| 诏安县| 集贤县| 将乐县| 长治市| 太康县| 保德县| 合肥市| 城固县| 五指山市| 阜城县| 阳新县| 二手房| 墨脱县| 酉阳| 墨竹工卡县| 东光县| 阿城市| 元谋县| 钦州市| 昌都县| 乌拉特后旗| 英吉沙县| 鄂伦春自治旗| 天镇县| 古丈县| 罗甸县| 台州市| 武安市| 鲁山县|